Thursday, February 22, 2007

East Kalimantan is The Widest Province in Indonesia

East Kalimantan (Indonesian: Kalimantan Timur, abbrv. Kaltim) is Indonesian province on the east Borneo island. East Kalimantan is the widest province in Indonesia, broadly region is about 245,237.80 km2 or about one half point of Java Island and Madura or 11% from Indonesia region wide total. This province consisted of the area of the mainland 20,039,500 ha (81.71 %) and the area of sea waters 4,484,280 ha (18.29 %).

This province abuts on direct with neighboring state, that is Sabah and Serawak, East Malaysia. The eastern part was faced with the Makasar strait, the western part shared a border with Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan, whereas south shared a border with South Kalimantan.

Samarinda is the capital city of this province and center for timber product in East Kalimantan. Apart from Samarinda, also had the other city, that is Balikpapan as the centre of oil refinery in East Kalimantan.

East Kalimantan resident in 2004 amount to 2,750,369 men. It is compared to region wide, East Kalimantan province has low density, that is mean about 11.22 men per km2. The population is a mixture of people from the Indonesian archipelago with Dayaks and Kutai as indigenous ethnic groups living in rural areas. Prominent other migrant ethnic groups include Javanese, Chinese, Banjarese, Bugis, and Malays, of which mostly live in coastal areas.

The main result of this province is mining product like oil, natural gas, and stone smoldered. Several developing efforts fields in this area were the plantation, agriculture, the food crop, livestock breeding, fisheries, and tourism.

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